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The Baby Show UK

The Baby Show UK 2022 brought together parents, experts, and top baby brands for an unforgettable experience across multiple locations. From expert talks to exclusive discounts, it was the go-to event for new and expecting parents looking for trusted guidance on their journey. Each event featured a packed schedule of live demonstrations, expert panels, and hands-on product experiences.

Why Parents Loved The Baby Show

A One-Stop Shop for Baby Essentials

Attendees could browse and compare prams, car seats, baby carriers, and more—all in one place. With many brands offering exclusive show discounts, parents walked away with the best deals.

Expert Talks & Live Demonstrations

One of the key highlights was the opportunity to hear from parenting and breastfeeding experts, including Dr. Chinny Obinwanne, who shared insights on achieving breastfeeding success.

Dr. Chinny at The Baby Show

Dr. Chinny took the stage at The Baby Show Live Stage with @lucypiper_presenter to discuss breastfeeding challenges and solutions.

“Breastfeeding is a collective and community responsibility. Together, we can support more mothers and create healthier babies.” – Dr. Chinny


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