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Book Launch - Breastfeeding with ease

📢 Exciting News! Dr. Chinny Obinwanne has officially launched her first book, Breastfeeding with Ease! 🎉

This game-changing guide is designed to help moms navigate the breastfeeding journey confidently. Instead of searching through endless Google pages for answers, Breastfeeding with Ease provides trusted, expert-backed information in one place.

💡 Why You Need This Book:
✔ Practical tips for increasing milk supply
✔ Solutions to common breastfeeding challenges
✔ Step-by-step guidance for a smooth experience

Currently, delivery is available in Nigeria only, but plans are in motion to expand to Ghana soon. Stay tuned for updates!

🛒 Get Your Copy Today! ❤️

Breastfeeding With Ease


Breastfeeding With Ease

A book that offers you comprehensive knowledge about breastfeeding, answers all common questions with pictoral illustrations on what to do. Make sure you are adding this to your hospital bag, incase anyone shares a confusing…



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